Here are some helpful links to help plan, learn and stay out of trouble.
With regards to becoming certified, and particularly if you want to get your SLC, having an up-to-date log is critical. When I went through the process I had to re-create my sailing history and log, which was not the easiest thing to do, how many of us sailors actually keep a log? Not many.
NE provides a free on-line log that interfaces with a couple of useful apps that will track your voyages and crewmates and automatically update everyone’s log. How cool is that.
For Android I use SailTies and for those on I phones there is Tracklink. Both of them can be downloaded from the NE site, which is an efficient way to get them as they will automatically register with the NE log book. Go here to get your free log book and 2 free sailing courses.
For your sailing history click on the “how to add 100 entries in 20 minutes” button.
Learn all about Collision Regulations here.
Find out about the weather forecast here.
Get digital tide and current tables here. Remember that these are in standard time, add one hour for daylight saving time.
Get the Current Atlas here. This resource shows where the currents flow, which direction and how strong they are. It works on a model of the seabed related to the tidal range at any particular time and place.
Aids to Navigation, notices to mariners, Lists of lights and buoys can all be found here.
Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide .pdf can be downloaded here.